Looking for myself in images. Photography was my life forever, but I lost my life somewhere along the way.

Posts tagged “Lies

Early Digital Images


Seaside Heights Family

Palmer Square in SpringUp until late in 2006 I still used my Canon F-1. I had always hated not having a darkroom. I was at the mercy of someone else to process & print my images. Besides being annoying it was expensive. I loved that camera, but the idea of finally being able to process my own images became too tempting. I took the plunge & somehow found enough money to get a 30D while undergoing some really awful chemo.

I found it liberating to be able to shoot endlessly (even though I’m usually able to capture the image I want in a shot or two) & I could finally process my own work. The learning process isn’t easy with chemo brain. I have a hard time remembering what I just read or did. While working on new pictures I also continue to re-visit older images as my knowledge base expands by going back to the original RAW file.

The images today were taken in Princeton & Seaside Heights back in 2006 & 2007. I love all 3 of them… all for different reasons.

By the way… I still have no idea what I’m doing!  One post takes me forever & days!