Looking for myself in images. Photography was my life forever, but I lost my life somewhere along the way.

Posts tagged “People




Ocean Grove NJ ~ 10/7/2018


Baby Finn & Great Grandma

Baby Finn & Great Grandma

Beautiful baby Griffin spending a summer afternoon with his Great Grandma. Hard to take a bad picture when the subjects are so loving!




So I’m hoping to see some of my favorite Irish friends this weekend if (ughhhh) it doesn’t snow. I haven’t seen too many people since the holidays for lots of reasons. Living in the Northeast one of those reasons would be snow… the new four letter word.

Thinking of bringing my camera. Yes I know I should always have it with me, and I usually do. Sometimes having my camera around friends makes them uneasy I think. Like I’m going to start snapping like the paparazzi lol.

Are there people I could just take shots of all day without pause? Absolutely. My daughter’s have been my muse since birth, and for the most part they entertain my obsession with them. I love to photograph dancers as my friends & many Irish dancers know. Many of the dancers now know me by sight. There is something about a person who is blessed with the ability to dance. The love of the dance comes through the lens in a magnificent fashion even when they aren’t performing.

I took the photograph above a year & a half ago. I’ve known Kerri for many years, & I just love this girl! The shot looks posed, but it isn’t. She was sitting next to me on the ground. When I looked down I saw her. As I grabbed my camera & looked down she looked up. With any picture that you love you know in that fraction of a second that it takes to catch the image you have what you wanted to capture. I hope to see Kerri this weekend even if I don’t take her picture (but I know I probably will).


Passing Time with Seagulls

Seaside Heights, NJ


NYC Times Square 3/25/2012


Philadelphia Reading Terminal Market